Prized Possessions

Day 28
 What is your most prized possession? It is the item you value, cherish, and like to show off to your friends. My boyfriend is a hunter...he has many trophies. No, not actual silver or brass trophies. But his animals that he hunted. When you step into his house, you will walk into a room filled with animals mounted on his wall or on a pedestal. These 'critters' are what he holds dearest. He has a story to every animal he shot and gets so excited talking about them. He paid a expensive price to shoot and mount all those animals. But he has stories that will last him a life time.

My most prized possession is Brandon. I cherish every living second with him. I love bragging about him to my friends, family and coworkers. If I could, I would mount his head on my wall...but he looks letter when's next to me. Haha. I can ramble for hours talking about Brandon and how we met, etc. I'm sure all my family and friends are sick of me talking about him all the time. But really, he is a wonderful boyfriend in many ways. I value Brandon and don't take him for granted. He is what I would run back in a burning house to save.


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