
Day 8

I'm not a football fan...but I may be conforming into the football world. I don't have any teams I like to root for. I tend to root for whoever has the cutest quarterback or the best team colors. Brandon and I watched the Giants vs. Falcons game today. Of course, being from GA, I rooted for the Falcons. Well, they played horribly. I didn't even want to watch the game anymore. The Falcons did not score any points. They were given 2 points for a technical call. Pretty pathetic, huh?

(I know, my picture isn't a "real" picture. It's a picture of a TV screen. Oh well...I had to work with what I had and borrow Brandon's SD card.)

You see #84's face? That's the face of defeat. The Falcons already had their losing face before the game ended. It is the last quarter with 5 minutes left on the clock, yet the Falcons continued to play effortlessly to lose the game in shame. Have you ever played that way in life? Giving up on your marriage when it seemed hopeless to win? Halfheartedly working because you hate your job? Giving up on a dream/goal because you failed the first time?

I have always struggled with my weight/size. I started my goal to lose weight in September of 2011. So far..I have only lost 15 pounds. 15 pounds in 4 months? WOW. That is pretty pathetic. It's not that I'm not trying. It's because I'm not trying hard enough. There are times when I just want to give up on my diet because it's too hard and I love the taste of fatty foods. Who doesn't? But...I have to focus and not allow myself to lose sight of my goal. I have to REALLY fight to get to where I want to be. At the end of the game...I want the face of VICTORY.

There is ALWAYS hope when our struggles seem hopeless. You see, if the Falcons would have played like winners...they would have won the game. No matter what circumstances you are going through, take a hold of the situation and fight strong until the end of the game. The game isn't over yet....


  1. Losing 15 lbs since September is a good thing. You're not even that big, so losing .2 lb a week is a good thing. And when you start getting closer to your goal weight, it'll be more challenging to lose that .2 lb. Just remember that losing weight isn't suppose to be a quick fix - it's a life change ... food choices, activity, etc. Don't look at the rolls left to conquer; look at the accomplishments you've done so far. The thing about women is that we're never satisfied w/ our bodies. We could wear XXS or size 0 and we'll still see a fat girl in the mirror. Try having a baby and you'll be proud of the tiny efforts. You're doing well!!! Vong


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