African Hunting Show

Day 14

I went to the African Hunting Convention with Brandon and his parents. It was very interesting to see all these vendors from different parts of African and other places trying to book your next hunting trip. There is no way I would ever afford to go the some of the places Brandon wants to go to and hunt. The place he wants to go to was $80,000 for the hunting trip itself. (not including airfare, tipping, trophy fees...) Ummm...yea, that is more than the house he's living in.

I got to see a lot of cool mounted animals. I want a mounted leopard and a peacock. (I know peacocks are not found in the African country).

Zebra mount. Love it!
It was so cute to see Brandon get so excited about some of the professional hunters. He acted like a little girl who was excited about Justin Bieber. Haha.

Don't worry honey...I'm going to win the lottery for us to go one you can hunt your cape buffalo, leopard, lion, and your majestic sable. =)
You just wait....

Brandon with a famous hunter/author

Brandon with a famous hunter


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