
Day 12

For as long as I can remember, my dad has always prayed every single night before he went to bed. He would read his Bible for an hour and then he gets down on his knees to pray. My family grew up praying.

My dad has always been the type to pray for others...very selfless in his prayers. This was our turn to get down on our knees and pray. If you know anything about my dad, it is that he does NOT like to waste food. Even if he's full, he will eat everything to the last bite. He grew up poor...wasting food was not an option. Another thing, he has no problem eating foods that are past due or even spoiled. Yea....nasty.

My sister had a bag filled with hot cocoa that expired in 2006. My dad drank 4 in one day and had a severe allergic reaction. He was throwing up all day, his face broke into hives, and his throat swelled up to where he had trouble breathing. I have never in my life seen my dad so helpless and suffering like that. It was that day, that my sister and I got down on our knees to pray...praying for God's faithfulness to heal our dad.

Our prayers were heard and answered. Thankfully, my dad's throat did not swell too badly to where he could have choked to death. The very next day, he was able to get up an vacuum...and eat 2 bowls of my sister's yummy chicken soup. Only God!


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