One Day...

Day 24
It's one of those days where I'm like, "I'll get to cleaning that one day...."
And that one day has turned into 2 months!! It's 2 months worth of receipts from the Holidays...and just a bunch of crap lying around. Surprisingly, I am still able to keep up with my financial statements. It may look bad, but I at least know where everything is at. I promise, I never live this dirty. My room has always been clean and neat. I guess it's from spending more time with the boyfriend and less time doing chores...

My floors are clean. I don't throw clothes or trash on the floor. It's just my dresser where I keep my transactions, cups, Christmas presents, and candy....
Don't worry, I'll clean it on Saturday...maybe....

Anyone willing to help organize my bank statements for free? I wish my niece still lived with me. I paid her $5 to put my receits in order and to vacuum my room.Oh, I miss those days.....


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