Hard Worker

Day 7

Yesterday, my boyfriend mumbled to me, "You're such a hard worker. Thank you for being a hard worker." He was of course sleep talking. It was humoring....and completely incorrect about me.

Actually, it's the other way around. One of the wonderful qualities about Brandon, is that he's a hard worker. Brandon works hard at his workplace and has great work ethics. His dad is one of the co-owners of the company...yet he does not slack off and take advantage of being the boss's son. He works hard to earn the position he has in the company.

Not only does his hard work show in his business life, but in his daily life routines. He's always looking for things to do. Whether it be doing laundry at midnight, putting together a tool box, cleaning out the gutters, cleaning the house/garage...etc. To Brandon, there is always something to do. I like that he keeps himself busy by putting himself to work. And he likes to put me to work!

Oh goodness, I can see my future Saturdays looking like: work...and more work. Darn you, Brandon! =P

So, what's a good quality about your significant other?


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