Date Nights

Brandon being...Brando
Day 11
I am a firm believer that EVERY couple, whether you're boyfriend and girlfriend, married with no children, or married with children should set one night as your "date" night. It's a healthy way to help build your relationship, or even rekindle your relationship.

During hunting season, Brandon was at the hunting club on Friday and Saturday evenings. SoWednesday nights are usually Brandon and mine's casual date night. We would first workout our legs at the gym for a 1.5-2 hours....then eat dinner at either Fernando's Mexican Grill, Zaxby's Dakota's, Sugar Island Jerk, etc...

Regardless of where we are: a dine in restaurant, bowling, movies, etc... I really cherish these moments. We talk about our day, interesting stories about other people, or just getting in a deeper conversation with one another. It gives Brandon a chance to continue to win me over again and again. 

We're still in our first year of dating. But I hope we will continue to do a once a week date night.

My handsome honeybee


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