Baked Chicken Parmesean...FAIL

Day 2
One of my new year resolution is to cook a new recipe every week. It's costly...but I want to learn how to cook and enjoy cooking. I was raised by a mother who is like Chef Ramsey from Hell's Kitchen. So, cooking with my mom was not enjoyable.

Brandon called me around 2pm and asked me if I would prefer to go out to eat....or have him buy some food to cook me dinner. He wanted to cook me some Hamburger Helper. I wasn't feeling the macaroni boxed dinner.... So, he asked me to find him a chicken recipe. I went through my Pinterest food board and picked out something with chicken that we could both enjoy. So...I picked out Baked Chicken Parmesean. It required minimal ingredients and less time to cook.

Here is the finished product...

Baked Chicken Parmesean
Sure it looks good...however it tasted horribly. We followed ALL the directions...yet it tasted like cardboard. I tried convincing Brandon to let me throw it away. But if you know my boyfriend, he does NOT like to waste food. Next time, I'm going to add seasoning to the chicken before cooking it. Or maybe...never try this recipe again.


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