Day 7: A First for Everything

Today was a crazy hectic day with 2 photoshoot sessions. My first session was for the winner of my contest. Note to self: next time communicate with the client on exactly where the park is located. She got lost and I lost 30 minutes of time for my next client. Thankfully, I know my second client and he was running behind schedule too.

Today was my first time shooting someone I didn't know. It was a good experience. I will need to ask her what areas she thinks I need to improve on.

And today was my first time ever shooting in the city. It was a great view and I loved the look, however, I hate the busyness of Atlanta. We were at Krog Street Tunnel in which we could have gotten ran over a couple of times just to get certain shots. Nonetheless, I had a great experience with both photoshoots.

So, take that chance and get out of your comfort zone to do something for the FIRST time today!


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