Day 6: Wedding Day

I love going to weddings. There is just something about weddings that brings me joy. I love all the decor, the flower girls and ring bearer, the bridesmaid dresses and the beautiful bride. Today was a special day, because my cousin Cindy (MaiKao) was getting married.

Unfortunately, I didn't take too many pictures. It was a long awaited wedding day for my cousin and I did not want to waste it with being too worried about taking photos. I wanted to sit back and enjoy the wedding as a guest. And I didn't want to smear my makeup. Does anyone else experience their make-up running from taking pictures from as a DSLR camera? Maybe it's just me?!

Anyway, I do somewhat regret not going to take pictures of the reception area. We worked hard on to make it look good. I was so hot in my dress, I was ready to get out of it. I was dripping sweat down my leg. That is how hot it was in my dress.

Note to self: Never trust the weather when the forecast calls for a cloudy/gloomy day. The sun decided to come out and it was 85 degrees. It's the middle of October! Where is the fall weather?!?

Anyway, I wish the couple a very blessed marriage. Happy wedding day, Cindy and Gary!

My handsome date <3

In memory of my loving uncle :(

My beautiful niece. I can't believe she graduates next May!! OMG!! Where has time gone?!


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