Day 23: Halloween

The first time I met Andrew was Halloween 2016. It was month end and I stayed at work a little later, but had intentions of going home to workout and then log on to finish up the month of October. We had been messaging each other through Tinder. He claimed he used to workout and wanted to get back into it. So, I asked him if he wanted to workout with me. He agreed to meet at my apartment gym at 7:30 pm. He showed up late. I was annoyed. I hate when people are late.

We started off jogging on the treadmill. Anyone who jogs at 6 mph knows you can't carry on a conversation. For some reason, Andrew kept trying to talk to me. I was a bit annoyed because I could hardly talk and run at the same time. He later told me, he didn't want to come off as boring. So he was trying to carry on the conversation. (Just at the worst time). Haha. 

Andrew was brand new in town. He had just moved from Alabama to Georgia to start his career. My intentions with Andrew were to be his new Atlanta friend. His voice sounded very similar to my good friend Justin's voice. Physique-wise, he is tall and skinny. Not the typical body type I usually am attracted to. I kept thinking, "Yeah, I'm going to friend zone this guy!" It's funny how things worked out for the better. 

Today, we went walking to a park that is also connected to this huge cemetery. Andrew has been wanting to go way back to the old tombstones dating back from the 1700 & 1800. But after our walk, my stomach started hurting REALLY bad. Like, I had to go #2 really bad. He claims I faked my stomach ache just to avoid going in the graveyard. Ummmm, the toilet at Walmart can testify differently. LOL. 

I can't believe that after a year, I haven't scared off this guy. I am thankful for Andrew always being there for me. 


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