Day 2: Motherhood

I met up with one of my good friends today for lunch. She just had baby #2 and he is just absolutely adorable.

What I love about my friend Melisa, is that she is the only friend who has been honest and raw about pregnancy and motherhood. And honestly, being a mom scares me!

Here's what scares me of motherhood:

  • Being responsible for another human being. Not only am I responsible for the major things (feedings, bath time, sleep time, etc) but I am responsible for raising my kids with MY cores and values. Let's hope I don't have a little girl. She's going to be the biggest diva ever. 
  • Sacrificing sleep. I love my sleep!! I love sleeping-in and taking naps. I'm a grouchy bear when someone tries to wake me up from a good nights' sleep. 
  • The expenses!!! Oh my goodness! How do people afford diapers, formula, clothes, and food? And on top of that; child care, school activities, doctor appointments, prom?! I question how my parents was able to raise 5 fat kids without government assistance. LOL. 
  • All of the side effects from pregnancy and delivering the baby. I didn't know stuff still comes out while you're pregnant AND after you have the baby! Wow!!  
  • Changes with my body like weight gain, stretch marks, saggy boobs and that pooch! Oh my, that pooch!! I worked hard to get to my size. Do I want to sacrifice it all???
  • No privacy. I went to my best friend's place one time, and her (at-the-time) 3 year old son followed me to the bathroom. He started knocking on my door and calling my name to open the door. Wow, this is what she goes through on a daily basis? 
  • No more spontaneity. I can't just up and leave on a random road trip. And I have to plan out my nights out way in advance. Then I have to find sitter and I can't stay out too late. 
  • Other moms. Yes, the judgmental moms on Facebook. They're always ranting about if you should or should not vaccinate your kids. Organic foods only. Or not giving your kids sugar at a certain age. What bottles you should use. Blah blah blah. Worry about raising your own kids! Why not tell another mom friend or stranger, "You're doing a great job!" instead of judging them on how they should be a parent to YOUR standards. 
All my mom friends tell me, that all of my concerns will go away. Because at the end of the day, it was all worth it.

Anyway, if you are a mom and you're reading my blog....YOU are the all star of the show. You're doing a fantastic job. And if you ever want a night out and need a break, I'll watch your kid for 2 hours max. LOL.


  1. Great post. Tell Melisa to stop having all these gorgeous babies.


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