Day 22: Trust

Today, I received a phone call from these ladies in New York who are starting up a new MSA company. They seem very interested in me and sound like very great ladies to work with. They believe in investing in their employees, growing them and molding them. I like what I hear so far.

They will be sending me an offer letter in the next couple of days (I hope). They are planning to meet up with me for lunch on November 16th. I don't think he would make plans to meet up with me if they didn't want to offer me the position, right?

Anyway, it's been a long four months of unemployment. I'll be honest, there were days where I felt worthless and discouraged. I am in my dry, cold winter season. There were rejection letters one right after the other. I was applying for positions that I fully qualified for, but no call backs.

So, even through this season of waiting I fully trust in God's plans. All the rejections and detours, will lead me to where I will need to be. I'm praying this place will work out!


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