Day 19: 11 Months

Holy moley!! We reached 11 months? I can't believe I was able to keep a guy around longer than a month. But for 11 months? Wow!

We had our rough patch in the beginning of our relationship. Mainly, because of me. We are complete opposites. When I say opposites, we are polar opposites of almost everything. He drives slow. I drive fast. I'm a morning person. He's a night owl. I like going out. He's a homebody. I'm clean. He's messy. REAL messy! I'm aggressive. He's passive. I like country music. He likes hardcore rap music. Again...just everything we did was opposite from each other. I kept thinking to myself, "How can this possibly work?"

I confided in my girlfriends and they unanimously said they are complete opposites of their husbands. They balance each other out. And somehow, it works! Because opposites really do attract! Whenever I get irrational about something, Andrew knows to reel me back in. Good gracious, I couldn't imagine dating someone hot-headed like me again. LOL.

So, although there are things I wish Andrew could be or do better (I know he wishes the same for me), it somehow works. We've been together this long and he makes me happy.


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