SuperBowl XLVI

Day 36

I have NEVER watched a Superbowl game in my life until today. Simply because I was never interested in investing my time to watch football. Football was boring to me, mainly because I didn't understand the game. Brandon has been patient enough to help teach me about the rules of football. And I never in my life thought these words would come out from my mouth, "I enjoy watching football."

I'm still kind of new to this, so I don't have a team that I'm rooting for. I like Tim Tebow. He's cute and a great quarterback despite what all the haters have to say.

Anyway, if there is one thing my boyfriend has yet to is to QUIT betting against me. He was pulling for the Patriots to win the Superbowl. I can't stand the NY Giants (mainly because I can't stand the annoying fans), but I wanted to root for them just so I could have something to disagree with Brandon about.

And....guess who won? Not only did the NY Giants take the Superbowl game...but I WON!!! I win a cooked dinner from Brandon. Woohooo!!!!!! In yo' face Brandon! Ha! I just like to rub it in his face that I won. I'm excited about my dinner. I hope it's not deer meat.... =P


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