He Likes Me in Blue

Day 43

One thing I like about Brandon is that he very observant. One day (long before we started dating), I had curled my hair and went to the gym. He took notice and commented that he liked my hair curly. I was shocked that he even noticed that my hair is always straight. I mean...NO straight guy even notices that. Goodness....when I chopped off my hair over a year ago...some of the men in my office (who saw me on a daily basis) didn't even know I had cut my hair. But here is this boy, who saw me every day at the gym and he NOTICED my hair was curly. Wow!!

Because Brandon commented that he liked my hair curly, I made the effort to curl my hair one a week...just for him. Haha. I'm lame. Well, I don't do that anymore. Shoot...we're passed that phase of impressing each other. Now, all he sees is my hair in a pony-tail at the gym.

Brandon has favorite outfits that I wear. I make sure that I don't wear his favorite outfits too often...just to keep him guessing when I will wear the outfit when I'm around him.

Today, I wore this ugly blue sweater. For some reason...he really liked this outfit and wanted me to take a picture of myself. So....here it is......................


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