
Day 49

"A perverse man stirs up dissension and gossip separated close friends." Proverbs 16:28

Gossip is more prevalent in the workplace than any other place I know. It's funny how one small little rumor can have a ripple effect. There was a small rumor about me getting upset about a couple of co-workers opening my package of flowers Brandon sent me for Valentine's day. I find it humorous that this person would go around telling the ENTIRE office something that NEVER happened. I actually THANKED my coworkers (see Facebook mobile upload) for doing that because...honestly, they did a much better job putting it together than what I would have ever done. And it never crossed my mind to even get upset that they opened my package of flowers. I would have been upset if they opened it and stole it from me. But no, they are my friends and wanted to make sure I was surprised when I arrived back into the office. In which...I was pleasantly surprised.

When the rumor came back to me...I had to immediately go to my coworkers and tell them before the rumor got to them. It's pathetic how much drama goes around at my workplace. That is why I like to blast my music up in my headphone to drown out all the craziness behind me.

Some people just don't know the kind of effect gossip has...especially when they're the ones gossiping. And this is why I don't associate myself with people like that. If you go seeking for drama...you will get drama.

"Stay away from a foolish man, for you will not find knowledge on his lips." Proverbs 14:7


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