10 Months

Day 35
I am so blessed. I don't know how many times I am have to say that...but I truly am blessed to have such an amazing guy like Brandon as mine. It was about around this time last year, when I was still in denial about liking Brandon. I knew I had feelings for him, I was just afraid to admit them. EVERYONE knew I liked this boy. They could tell just by the way I talked about him. You see...he didn't have to do much talking about what kind of guy he is...etc. He did the showing. That's what I love about him.

I am so thankful to be sharing another wonderful month with Brandon as a couple.

10 months <3
Brandon's attempt of shooting me

My goofy man
He caught me at my transition from doing duck face to smiling. So...my teef look funny. (And yes, I meant to type teef and not teeth.)

Look over here kids, this is where I'm going to steal your lunch money and all your candy. =P



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