Dad's birthday

Day 56

There is only one place my dad wants to go celebrate his birthday: Sydney's Chinese Buffet. I hate Chinese food...and I especially hate Chinese buffets. They smell horribly and I pay $20 for a nasty slice of pizza, bourbon chicken, fried rice and green beans. But I know I have to suck it up twice a year. My dad LOVES eating at buffets. He hates to order off a menu, simply because he doesn't know how to order. He likes to look at the food to know what he's eating.

And it never fails, whenever we go eat and all of us are dad always prays this loooooooong prayer. haha. I always enjoy my family's company. We spent about 3 hours in the Chinese buffet just chatting. Just talking about random nonsense. It's a blessing to have my dad live another year. He's always talking about how we all need to hurry up and get married and have children. I think all Hmong parents are like this...?!

I love mi familia...


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