One Year

We made it to a year!! Wow!! After my last serious relationship, I never thought that I could get into another long term relationship. Better yet, find a guy I would be interested in after the second date.

Andrew is good to me. Although he might not be the romantic type, here are things I appreciate about Andrew:

  • He prays for me. He does it privately. And a couple of times, h e prayed out loud for me.
  • He fights for us. Of the several times I've tried ending things with him, he's never given up on us. 
  • He makes sure my needs are met before his. 9 out of 10 times, we eat the restaurant of MY choice. Haha. 
  • He supports and encourages me. Instead of telling me what I need to hear about my weight, he encourages me to do better.
  • He comforts me when I'm sad. I went through a long four and a half months of unemployment, but he was always there with open arms and a shoulder to cry on. 
  • He fights fair. Even when I don't. More often than not, even when I'm the one at fault, he apologizes. 
  • He is patient. Oh my goodness, bless this poor man for putting up with a princess like me. Even when I'm being irrationally hangry, he doesn't blow up on me. 
  • He spends quality time with me. One thing that stood out about Andrew over the rest of the guys, is that he set aside his weekends for me. Taking a girl out on a weekend night is a big deal! But every weekend after we started "dating," there was no question of what our plans were, because it was with each other.
  • No games. Andrew didn't play games with me. I knew he liked me and I didn't have to question it. He didn't take 24 hours to respond to my text messages. 
  • He's funny... looking. Haha. I'm kidding. He does and says the most random things to make me laugh. 
One year in the books, many more to come!! <3 <3 <3


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