Day 24: Chattahoochee Coffee Company

If you're looking for new girl friends, I highly recommend downloaded the 'Hey Vina' app. There is nothing wrong with my circle of girl friends. I love all of my girl friends and they are all dear to me. However, amongst all my friends, I am the only one who is not married nor do I have children. It's difficult to get my closest girlfriends to come out with me unexpectedly.

Today, I met my third Hey Vina date. Her name is Keri and we met at the Chattahoochee Coffee Company for coffee and a beautiful scenery. The coffee was "meh." It was too strong for my liking. I should have gotten cappuccino. But considering I am still unemployed, I couldn't muster paying almost $5 for a sweet beverage.

This place is a hidden gem in Atlanta (Sandy Springs). Unfortunately, this place is only open to the public on weekdays. It's inside an apartment complex. So, I can see why they have restrictions on the weekends.

Anyways, about my date...let's just say she was a very interesting person. She was very open about her life. Things, you shouldn't tell a stranger you are wanting to befriend for the first time. Haha. She gets easily attached to people (more so men). Nonetheless, I could tell she just needs a friend. So, we'll see how things go with us.


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