Winding Down My Florida Trip

God was definitely watching over us during this trip. We got to and from Florida all in one piece. It only rained 1 day out of the 6 days we were in Panama City/Seagrove. It rained on Thursday, but only in the evening. The rest of the time, it was sunny and very hot.

Friday, we went fishing with Captain Bucky. We woke up at 5 in the morning to go fishing at 6:30. That is a first for me. I caught 3 Red Fishes, 1 trout, 3 Blue fishes -- in which we had to throw back because they're mean nasty fishes, and 1 lady fish. We had to throw it back too....not sure why?!

Friday evening, I was packing my clothes. I was sitting on the ground folding my clothes to pack. Brandon is talking to me. He reaches out his hand and says, "Honey, get up." I asked "why?" in confusion....I thought he wanted to dance with me...but no. He told me there was a bug on the wall. I immediately got up to look at the nasty critter. It was a HUMONGOUS cockroach with huge tentacles and wings, the size of a Fun-sized snickers bar. NO JOKE! I HATE BUGS! I'm such a baby when it comes to bugs and insets. Of course, I screamed. Brandon killed the bug and flushed it down the toilet. I asked him to search the room for more bugs. He goes, "Oh, here's a dead worm." He scoops it up with the fly swatter and it was STILL moving! It was not dead!! Ahhh....silly boy.

But after 10 days of being away from my family, home, work, etc...I was ready to come back home.

Here are the rest of my boring pictures. Sorry, they are mainly of Brandon. We were with each other most of the time...what did you expect? =P

He's sick of me taking 500 pictures of him.... hehe.

The sand was hot!

I loved this cute cover-up.

We ran out of he mooned me. in a bikini.

My man is strong...he can hold me up with one arm. And I'm HEAVY!

He likes to show off his guns...

Our live bait to catch big fishes. =)

My handsome fisher man

I caught 4 of these fishes...

Brandon with his big Red Fish.

Me and Brandon...I was NOT going to touch the fish. Yuck!

Bart and his big trout. I was 23 and 3/4 inches

Angela and Bart


Brandon with Bart's fish...and Angela's finger?!?

Our Fish Guide was feeding the pelicans with the fishes we caught.


This bird was so BEAUTIFUL.

Look at the pretty fluffy feathers.

Our Fish Guide -- Captain Bucky. He was such a fun and spunky guy. He made my fishing experience as very fun and pleasant one.

We passed by this massive mansion house almost every day. I wished I could have gone in.


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