Just Breathe

So, I have less than 3 days to get my crap together for this trip. I thought I was making good time...but the closer June 14th approaches, reality has hit me that I am no where close to being ready for this trip. Dang it...it sucks procrastinating!! I don't understand why I didn't prepare myself better for this......

Tonight is the first time I finally had the time to breathe. My mind has been going 100/mph trying to figure out what I need to buy for the trip, what to pack, what luggage to use to pack, work, who's going to cover for me at work, gym...no time for gym, wearing a bikini after gaining 3 pounds and still eating horribly, driving to Florida, the possibility of getting lost driving to FL, the cost of the trip, trying to figure out if it's going to rain most of the trip, avoiding Brandon force feeding me fish....A LOT has been racing on my mind these last couple of days. While my mind is going out of whack with too much thinking, I have forgotten to take the chance to stop, breathe, and get excited about the trip. I feel more stressed than I do excited.

BUT....I have the best boyfriend in the world. Though I may get into this crazy panic mode, Brandon has been assuring me everything will be just fine. I will get to enjoy 10 days off away from work and stress...and all the time with him. When I think about it that way, I get excited about spending quality time with the most amazing boyfriend in the world. I get to taking a nice breather away from work and stress. Ahh.........


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