An Evening On the Beach....

Being on the beach after 7pm is completely different from being on the beach at the highest peak of the sun hours. The sand is cooler to walk on and the beach clears out of people. I like it!

I didn't get to take a good picture of the sun setting. We were too far from where the sun was setting. I will get a good shot one of these days before the trip is over. And one of this massive mansion beach house. It's HUMONGOUS!

I woke up at 6am this morning. Brandon told me to wake him up as soon as I woke up this morning. So, I woke him up at 6:30. Then he was like, "Wake me up at 7 instead..." I fell asleep and woke up again around 7:15. I called him to wake him up. When I went to go check on him, he was STILL asleep. What the junk?! He told me to wake up early to wake him up and he was still sleeping?!? Oh heck naw!! Anyway, he finally got up and I went right back to sleep. He wanted to wake up early to go work out at the gym. I don't know if we're crazy or dedicated. Or maybe both?!

Working out at the Gold's Gym in PCB, made me home sick. Our gym is a lot bigger....and I miss seeing the familiar faces in the gym. At least we got a good work out in.

Note to self: DON'T GO GROCERY SHOPPING ON AN EMPTY STOMACH....or after working out. You'll end up buying a lot of junk food, tomato soup (in which I don't have the craving for anymore. Crap what am I going to do with that can of soup now?), and white grape juice. Silly me....

The Florida heat is making me extremely thirsty. I have been drinking a lot of water, teas and juices.'s not affecting my bladder either. Weird!

Anyway, enough rambling. No one reads my blog anyway...
You are here for the pictures....right?

Here they are:

His Zombie face

So handsome....

Doing the hokey-pokey

I'm still teaching Brandon on how to take pictures.....bear with me/him.... make up and my hair is a mess!

He got bit by a Zombie...

Now he's turned into a Zombie....RUN!!!


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