March Madness

Day 75

Today marks the first day for the NCAA Basketball tournament...also known as March Madness. This is my first year entering in to play...and so far, I am in the lead from Brandon. I'm a competitive person by nature. I love to compete against Brandon. The winner who has the most points will not have to pay for our anniversary dinner at Ted's Montanan. Our anniversary falls on the same weekend the tournament ends. And if you haven't eaten at Ted's Montana Grill is quite pricier than your average, Chili's or Applebee's.

So, I'm hoping to beat Brandon...not for the free meal (because I already know I will win...) but to rub it in his face that I WON!! haha.

I have my Kentucky Boys to win. Simply because...last year, I watched them play and there was a player on the team who I thought was sooooooooooooo cute. Number 55..His name is Josh Harrelson. [sighs]. He made a mark on me...that's why I'm rooting for them. Lame, huh?
I am sad to say, that he is not on the Kentucky Roster this year. Darn...I guess I won't be watching a lot of basketball.

Anyway, here are mine and Brandon's pick....


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