Quiting Facebook?!?!

My Facebook page has turned into a time line. I don't like the look of it and it takes longer than usual to load the page with a time line. Plus, I don't think anyone read my status updates anyway. Blogging allows you to state your opinions and defend them. On Facebook, people try to passive aggressively state their opinion about a person without straight up telling that person. For example: "If you have something to say, say it to my face." Which, I find that statement contradicting.

And I could care less if you are waking up to eat a bowl of cereal. Don't write about it...EAT your cereal without announcing it to the whole world.

You know what other posts annoy me? People who write that they had a terrible day and follow with this sentence: "don't ask me about it." It's like, flashing a lollipop in front of a toddler and not giving it to them. If you're going to vent...go all out. Don't tease us! When you blog...you get to write how you feel and why you feel that way. On Facebook, you can write a simple post and never have to respond to explain yourself. Come on! That's not fair to us readers!

Other annoying posts: Conversations.
Houa: Dad, who are you listening to preach? (my dad was listening to someone preaching on the radio)
Dad: I'm listening to this preaching about...yaddie yadda...
Mom: She asked, who?! Not what?! Are you stupid?
Dad: Yes, I am stupid.
(Everyone bursts into laughter)

Yes, most of these stupid conversations on Facebook are as dumb as this one.
For one, people mainly paraphrasing. Do people really remember the exact conversation they had? Second, most of those conversations are a "You had to be there" kind of moment. They're not funny...merely annoying and a waste of time to read.

I have the luxury of venting about things I find annoying about Facebook on my blog...because this a BLOG. Facebook is not a diary or your therapist. It's a way to connect with friends and network with other people.

So after 6 years of being a Facebook account holder, I will no longer be using Facebook. Want to keep up with my random rants? Follow me here on my blogs. Peace!


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