Baseball + Atlanta Braves = Boring

I went to my very first Braves game yesterday. Brandon and I searched for hours to buy a Braves shirt on Saturday. Most of the stores we came across, had ugly Women's t-shirts. When I did find one that I REALLY liked, it cost $34 for a plain shirt. What the junk?! I don't even pay that much on a really nice shirt. Goodness!

Anyway, the first couple of innings of the game was exciting. The Braves were playing their hardest and playing very well. Well...around the 4th inning, I was already bored. Brandon and I went to the bathroom and to search for some lemonade. I was craving lemonade for some reason. Anyway, we bought some ridiculous expensive bottled drinks and came back to our seats. By the time we came back, the Nationals had scored 4 runs. Are you kidding me? The game was tied when we left...and we come back to the Nationals leading with 4 runs?!? Man alive!

The rest of the game was painful to watch. Sorry to all the Braves fans out there....but the Braves suck. We left the game after the 8th inning. There was no point in staying to watch the Braves lose. Which they ended up losing 7-2.

Anyway, I did enjoy the first couple of innings of the game. But baseball in real life is JUST as boring as it is on television. So, would I go to another Braves game in the future? No. Baseball is just not my thing. And I understand that some people don't enjoy watching volleyball. I'm fine with that. At least volleyball has more excitement than watching people strike out.

I think the best part of the game was watching the umpire get hit in the balls with the baseball. Haha....that was entertaining.


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