Things I've learned in the last decade

• Your circle of friends dwindle as you get older. 
• The family who you thought was annoying in your teenage years, end up being your best friends later on in life. Thankful for my sisters and my mom! 
• Guys really don't care about stretch marks or cellulite.
• The guy who you thought was 'the one,' really wasn't the one.
• God can mend your broken heart and make you fall in love again.
• Hard work and good work ethics do not go unnoticed.
• Forgive a person 700 times.
• Cut out toxic relationships who drain you. And it's okay to cut people out of your life.
• Broken friendships can be restored.
• Focus on the relationships of people who want to be in your life and stop chasing those who don't. (Applies to dating and friendships).

• God answers prayers on His own time. Be patient in the waiting period.
• I CAN lose weight if I put my mind to it and stop making excuses.
• Meal prepping is key to successfully losing and maintaining weight loss (I have meal prepped every week since 2013).
• Fad diets don't work. Calorie deficit is the best tool for weight loss.
• The scale does not define your beauty. If you do not love yourself at 170 lbs, you will not love yourself at 120 lbs.
• Cooking is fun and enjoyable. And I'm actually a good cook! 
• Save money in your early years, so you don't have to suffer financially when things get hard. Glad my mom taught me that!
• Do NOT bury yourself in credit card debt. And build good credit as early as you can.
• Being in your 30's isn't so bad. I'm loving it.
• Don't fall into everyone else's standards and timeline of getting married/having children.
• Things don't always go according to what you have planned. I thought I was going to be married at age 24 with children at age 27. Ha! God had BETTER plans for me. 
• Marriage and kids does not define if someone is successful in life. In my teenage years and early to mid twenties, I thought marriage and kids was the end all/be all to a successful life. It really isn't! I've accomplished so many things as a single person. 
• Your back/joints don't work the way it did back in 2010. 
• People have come into my life in different seasons/stages of my life. Although I have lost touch with them, I appreciate the small time I had with them.
• When someone shows you their true colors, believe them and run the other direction.
• If someone comes across your mind, text or call them to let them know you're thinking of them. Reaching out to someone you care about, makes a difference!
• Online dating was fun (by getting free meals and drinks), but I realized that guys are just crazy horndogs.
• You CAN find love on Tinder. LOL.
• Don't ever color your hair red. Red is the hardest color to lift and will always reappear no matter what color you dye your hair. (Also very expensive to do a color correction from too).
• Skin care is important. Ugh why am I just now learning that?!
• Live on your own for a period of your life. No roommates. Just YOU!
• Date around in your twenties! The 'dating with the intention of marriage' mentality is ridiculous. Enjoy the relationship. Don't rush things. And enjoy dating around!
• The perfect guy doesn't exist and one guy won't check all the boxes on your list. The things you 'want' in a guy, isn't what you 'need.' Sometimes the most unexpected guy sweeps off your feet.
• Social media is fake. Don't compare yourself to what people are posting online. No one is posting their failures. 
• After 10 years, I still really hate cats (no matter how many guys try to convince me).
• The older you get, you realize life is too short and precious. Cherish the people you love and spend time with them!


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