Cutting out the toxic

It's 2019 and there are more and more things that we have discovered that aren't good for you like: gluten, MSG, excessive salt, binge eating or drinking, too much sun, smoking, etc.

In addition to your physical health, as you grow older, you begin to realize that there are certain relationships in your life that are toxic and that should too, be cut out of your life.

Toxic people blame others for their problems.

They manipulate the people around them by pulling on your heart-strings with a sob story to make you feel empathetic for them or their situation.

Toxic people are negative. They see the worst in life, they're ungrateful, and complain about every "bad" thing that happens to them.

Toxic people not only lie blatantly, but they also make up useless stories, and omit critical facts as well.

They're judgmental and critical of others. They will drag you into their discontent with a person they're gossiping about to get you to judge that person as well.

Toxic people are usually the common denominator of drama. They root themselves in the drama, stir the pot, and then make others to believe that they are the victim in the situation.

Toxic people are poison. You need to cut them from your life!


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