
Broken necklace =(
I recently broke my heart-shaped prayer box necklace that Brandon gave me for my birthday.  I didn’t intentionally try to break it or anything…It was just one bad move I made that caused it to fall on the floor and crack open. Though the damage was minor, it was fixable.

This is not the first heart shaped necklace I broke…I broke my first necklace late last year, due to my own carelessness.

[light bulb] What a great idea for my first blog entry. How many of us can say we have had our hearts broken by a boyfriend or girlfriend,  a friend, even a family member?! Often times, we do not guard our heart and we allow it to get broken, trampled on, and allow our hearts to grow bitter and cold. We throw around the words, “I love you” like it’s just another phrase. We allow guys to enter our lives and we invest precious time, feelings, emotions on guys we know we should even allow on our dating radar.  We jump from one guy to the next...trying to fill that empty void. We fear the idea of "singleness" and confuse it with loneliness. We set our hearts up to be easily broken.

I say, "we" because I have been that desperate girl before.
I was a broken girl...looking for my heart to be repaired in all the wrong places. I have dated numerous guys...all who I knew I shouldn't have even allowed myself to go on a first date with. Guys who didn't know how to guard my heart because they were broken too. After many break-ups, I went searching for something deeper, for a love that is everlasting. It was the love of our Heavenly Father. No guy can complete me. No guy can provide me with comfort. No guy can satisfy me. He is the ultimate healer of my heart. I went from relying on guys to full dependence and trust in God.

Referencing back to my necklace -- though it was easy for me to break my necklace, it CAN be fixed. You can still see the scratches (battle wounds) it took to repair the necklace. It may not be in its original shape, but it has been mended.

My heart was mended when B.Wall came into my life....

Brandon helped fixed my necklace. He was so careful to make sure he didn't cause any more scratches. Sure 'nuff, he fixed my necklace without have to super glue it shut. He's so good to me...and treats me more than I deserve to be treated. Though Brandon isn't the healer of my heart, he is doing a great job of guarding my heart. I am beyond blessed.

"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." Proverbs 4:23


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